Thursday, September 01, 2005

Need some exercise

Lori and I signed up for the gym the other day. While we were there I couldn't help but notice the grumpy man behind the counter who "helped" us sign up. I thought that it was interesting to find the gentleman who spends most of his day sitting behind a counter in the gym. All around are machines and classes to help one get into better shape.

I don't know about that man's exercise routine, but I did think to myself...."Hmm,It would be possible to work her and never do any aerobic or anaerobic workouts your whole life. You could spend a lot of time here helping the facility run better or merely help keep the doors open for others to get fit, while at the same time allowing yourself to do nothing to challenge or keep your body in shape."

Then I thought, "Wow, the exact same thing could happen at church. I could spend all of my time there helping to facilitate the spiritual needs and exercises of others and do nothing to get myself in shape." Just because we spend a lot of time in a gym does not mean that we will be fit. Likewise just because we spend a lot of time in a church does not mean that we are spiritually fit.


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